All AliDagang.My sellers are charged a small transaction fee to cover payment gateway fees by the service providers only when a successfully completed order is made.

How will I be charged?

Transaction fee is calculated as 2.5% or RM2.50 whichever higher of the final order amount paid by customer (inclusive of shipping fee), rounded up to 2 decimal places. AliDagang.My will deduct the transaction fee automatically from the seller’s payout when an order is completed.

Sample Calculation

Buyer Paid Amount comes from :
[Product Selling Price - Total discounts, vouchers, rebates] + [Shipping Fees]
Eg : RM53.00 (product selling price) - RM3.50 (free coucher) + RM5.90 (shipping fees) = RM55.40

Transaction fees : 2.5% x RM55.40 = RM1.38 [chargeable RM2.50* to seller] *as transaction fee is less than RM2.50

Example (1) Calculation

Selling Price RM15.00
(-) Seller Sponsored Voucher or Free Shipping Voucher or 10% Cashback Programme -RM3.50
Buyer Paid Amount RM11.50
Buyer Paid Amount (x) Transaction Fee Rate RM11.50 x 2.5%
Transaction Fee RM0.29 [RM2.50 chargeable to seller]
Total Payable to Seller RM9.00

T&C :

  1. Buyer uses Seller’s sponsored voucher RM3.50 off
  2. Buyer uses Free Shipping Voucher
  3. Seller participated in a 10% Cashback Programme

Example (2) Calculation

Selling Price RM30.00
(+) Shipping Fee Paid by Buyer RM5.60
Buyer Paid Amount RM35.60
Buyer Paid Amount (x) Transaction Fee Rate RM35.60 x 2.5%
Transaction Fee RM0.89 [RM2.50 chargeable to seller]
Total Payable to Seller RM33.10

T&C :

  1. Seller participated in a RM5 Free Shipping Programme for purchases more than RM50. (In this case, buyer are not eligible as purchases are less than RM50. So shipping fee is bare by buyer.)